Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Fragrance of Happiness


I know the name suggests a lot, but am just talking about a play which I saw last evening.
This was the first time I saw a play in Bombay - wow.
I mean the play was good, but better still was the whole experience of watching the play in such a grand theater.

Loved the whole experience. I think I'll go to plays more often now.

After the play, we'd dinner at the Pizzeria. With the beautiful breeze blowing, it was all really nice.
I guess all this was nice, but felt a little nicer to me because of the blues for the past month and a half.

I learnt one thing - and I hope it is constant. To be happy is a choice that I've to make. It'll be difficult. Happiness will come only in small packets like these. The point is to enjoy them completely while possible.
Its like an opened up perfume bottle. Best enjoyed while the fragrance is still there. Of course, too much use of it on yourself will only make you nauseated. So....spread it.
If you don't want to spread it....don't. But make sure to apply a good amount yourself. When someone is happy the whole aura around him/ her changes.
But remember, the bottle is opened. The fragrance will evaporate in some time. Enjoy it while you can, and to get the next one.

I'm good ;)

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